November issue, for subscribers (but not available on newsstands) will feature three important articles on the homosexual subject:

1. WOLFENDEN COMMITTEE—This article will discuss the recommendations of the Government Committee of Great Britain which has studied the problem of homosexuality and prostitution for approximately three years and issued its conclusions early in September. (See also page 2 of this issue).

2. PROBLEMS OF HOMOSEXUALITY-"Among sex laws, none are so punitive or inequitable as those concerning homosexual acts, particularly male homosexual activities," states Dr. Norman Reider, San Francisco physician, in a straightforward article reprinted from California Medicine.

3. NEW LIGHT ON HOMOSEXUALITY-by the research staff of Sexology magazine, is an analysis of a survey of 100 male homosexuals, and concludes that persons who consider these people to be vicious, depraved and mentally ill need to question their thinking. PLUS other articles and features, book department, bibliography and letters from readers. Of special interest will be a report on the 4th Annual Convention of the Mattachine Society, held recently in San Francisco.

December Issue, due off the press on November 20, will present these outstanding headline features:

1. ADJUSTMENT OF THE MALE OVERT HOMOSEXUAL—an important and fully documented paper read by its author, Evelyn Hooker, Ph.D., of the Department of Psychology, University of California at Los Angeles, at a recent convention of the American Psychological Association.

2. PANEL DISCUSSION ON HOMOSEXUALITY-First installment of papers read at the recent Mattachine convention where a panel of five experts discussed the topic, "Must the Individual Homosexual Be Rejected in Our Time?"

3. PRESS REACTION TO WOLFENDEN REPORT-Taking up where the November presentation left off, this article will describe the pros and cons of Wolfenden report recommendations as voiced by the press in Great Britain and the U.S.

mattachine REVIEW




Dr med. Wolfgang E. Bredtschneider

"A thing may be looked at in three ways: in a scientific way, in a legal way, and in a reasonable way." August Bier.

and thus let us what still wants doing."


If any proof were needed that both the basic roots of prejudice and the ways it finds expression are not confined within any geographical boundaries, this arti cle could help to furnish it. Dr. Bredtschneider, Frankfurt

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Main, a diplomate of the German Board of Psychiatry and Neurol. ogy, as well as diplomate of the German Board of Internal Medi. cine, identifies himself as "Psy. choanalytically oriented" in his therapeutic practice. Judging from his article, however, it would be as wrong to classify him as a narrowly doctrinaire analyst as to label him nationalistically German. His patients must benefit as much from the width of his cultural background and the depth of his thinking as do we, the readers of his article.


not do what is done but Martin Buber.

Scientific literature in the German language which deals with homosexuality is mainly preoccupied with attempts to find the causation of this sexuality which is directed mainly toward members of the same sex and, occasionally, with sociological

problems connected with this. The literature in the German language also is much less extensive than the corresponding literature in English. The many variations among homosexuais are but superficially alluded to. The usual conclusion is that people living with this kind of sexual behavior and inclination are more or less sick or emotionally maldeveloped. Several recent court decisions demand that the defendant submit himself to medical treatment.

It is understood thereby that the "cure" of a homosexual is successfully completed when his sexual appetite becomes directed